Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 16, 2025 and Mar 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 16, 2025 and Mar 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Product Includes:
If property is 5-19.9 acres, select the 300' radius package option
If property is 20-159.9 acres, select the 700' radius package option
If property is 160+ acres, select the 1300' radius package option
If project involves a Hazardous Waste Facility, select the 3000' radius package option
If the project involves a minor subdivision, major variance or planning use permit select contiguous properties option
Full Description from the city package (City of Yucaipa)
Package will be formatted to follow the "Property Owners Mailing List" of the submittal package on page 5 of the application.
City of Yucaipa Surrounding Property Owners Certification. (Part D)
Prepare labels for all property owners within the area as prescribed by the formula listed below. Please include the applicant, representative and the owner of record in these labels. Ownership of surrounding properties shall be determined from the latest equalized tax assessment roll.
I certify under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge the enclosed labels contain the names and addresses of all property owners within the area as prescribed by the enclosed formulas from the exterior boundaries of the project property perimeter.
FORMULA: The property for which this application is being process is:
MInor Subdivision, Major Variance, or Planning Use Permit = all contiguous properties. Contiguous means touching or across teh street including corners.
All other Applications:
20.0 acres of less = contains all parcels within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries.
20.1 acres to 160.0 acres = contains all parcels within 700 feet of the exterior boundaries
160.1 acres of greater = contains all parcels within 1,300 feet of the external boundaries
If the project involves a "Hazardous Waste Facility" = contains all parcels within 3,000 feet of the exterior boundaries.
Please type of print legibility in black ink/ribbon
No punctuation is to be placed on the last line between city state and zip code. Italic type print is not permitted and characters cannot touch. No extraneous print is allowed on or below the delivery address line. Minimum size of labels shall be Avery 5160. APN number must be on top line.
See image for details.