Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 28, 2025 and Apr 04, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 28, 2025 and Apr 04, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
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Full Description from the city package (City of Laguna Hills)
Notification Map, Mailing List, and Labels:
Preparation of the "Notification Map":
1) Obtain the property's Assessors' Parcel Number(s) (APNs) from the County Assessors' office located in Room 142, Building 12 in the Civic Center Plaza located at 625 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, California.
2) Locate the subject parcel on the proper page of the County Assessors' map books, or have a title company conduct the following research:
With the scale shown on the AP map, measure 300' from all of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel to determine the A.P book pages required to prepare a "notification map". Draw the 300' line on all A.P. pages.
If the maps are the same scale, the most convenient method of determining the notification area is to "cut and paste" the maps together in such a manner that the subject parcel is in the center and all parcels and their numbers within 300' are clearly shown. Some adjustments or sketching may be required when maps are of different scales.
Compilation of the "Mailing List":
1) A "Parcel List" must then be prepared by noting the AP numbers of parcels, all or part of which are within the 300' radius notification area. The numbers are to be listed in ascending numerical order, with the subject parcel number at the beginning of the list
2) The "Mailing List" may be prepared in two ways:
Type the owner name and address (including zip code) for each parcel, as obtained from the County Assessors' numerical parcel list.
Purchase the list of owner names by pages from the Assessor with necessary assistance from the County Assessors' Public counter personnel. Make a check mark beside each name to be notified.
3) In addition, if the subject property is located in a Commercial or Industrial zone, provide the name and address of each tenant located on the site.
4) A certification letter must accompany the owner, and if applicable tenant list(s).
Preparation of the Labels:
1) The owner's name and address including zip code shall be typed on self adhesive press apply labels. Only one label needs to be prepared for property owners who own more than one parcel in the 300' radius area.
2) If the subject property is located in a Commercial or Industrial zone, the name and address of each tenant located on the site shall also be provided on self adhesive press apply labels.