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Order today and you'll receive your package between Feb 11, 2025 and Feb 18, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
NOTE - As of 02/28/2023 the city of Laguna Beach is now requiring the list preparer to mail out the postcard notice. Our pricing includes the notification package, printing of the post card, postmark, receipt and the signed affidavit.
Product Includes:
Full Description from the city package (City of Laguna Beach)
Below is the procedure we follow:
Conditional Use Permit
Submit an address list and radius map (8 1⁄2 x 11 paper) of all property owners within a 300 foot radius of the subject property, and for all tenants or residents within 100 feet of the subject property. The address list of labels must be in a 3-across by 10-down formation on an 8 1⁄2 x 11 paper and include the assessor’s parcel number on each address. The list must be compiled by a professional listing company, utilizing the latest equalized County Tax Assessors’ rolls. A certification letter, signed by a representative of the listing company and attesting to the accuracy of the address list, must be submitted.
Noticing requirements: Provide a mailing list of property owners within 300’ of the subject property and for tenants and residents within 100’ of the subject property, radius maps for variance and design review applications. LISTS MUST BE OBTAINED THROUGH AN APPROVED OWNERSHIP LISTING COMPANY.
Hedge Height:
A radius map identifying the location of the claimants property to show that the vegetation owner's property lines within 100 feet of the claimants property. A public noticing list for all property owners within a 100-foot radius of the vegetation owner's property. The list shall be compiled from the latest equalized assessment rolls and submitted to the city directly from a professional listing company.
Note as of 10/15/2024 - the city requires in addition to the 100' radius map, a full 300' package as well for hedge height applications.