Order today and you'll receive your package between Feb 16, 2025 and Feb 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Order today and you'll receive your package between Feb 16, 2025 and Feb 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
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Full Description from the city package (City of La Habra)
The City of La Habra has changed its policy regarding public notification for all applications, which require a Public Hearing. The applicant is now responsible for submitting a Radius Map and Property Owner’s List, which must be prepared by a business certified to produce such documentation.
The necessary documentation shall include the following:
A verified/certified list of the names and addresses of each property owner within three-hundred (300) feet of the exterior boundaries of the property involved. In addition, two (2) sets of typewritten mailing labels (self-adhering) containing the assessor’s parcel number, the name of the owner and the address which are numbered consecutively and also accurately correspond to the numbered properties on the radius map shall be submitted.
A letter size (8-1/2” x 11”) radius map which identifies the subject property and all properties within a 300-foot radius. All affected properties shall be labeled with their assessor’s parcel number.
*All property owner lists/maps shall be prepared using the latest property owner information as indicated by the most recent City or County Tax Assessment Roll.