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Glendale Public Noticing Materials | 500-foot Radius Owner and Occupant | PDF EXCEL JPEG

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Order today and you'll receive your package between Feb 16, 2025 and Feb 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout

Product Includes: 

  • 500' Keyed Radius Map PDF
  • JPG Map 3" x 3" 
  • 500' Keyed Property Owner & Occupant List (PDF & EXCEL)
  • Excel Spreadsheet formatted to city requirements 
  • Affidavit Certified Property Owners and Occupants (PDF)
  • All items delivered in digital format

Full Description from the city package (City of Glendale)

Packaged will be formatted to follow the "New Public Noticing Requirements" from the Community Development Department Planning Division Application. Revised 08/10/2023.

As of April 16, 2018 the Public Noticing Materials required are modified to eliminate the printing of mailing labels and instead require a digital excel file. 

One Excel file with the names and addresses of all REAL PROPERTY OWNERS and OCCUPANTS, shown on the latest equalized assessment roll, within a 500-foot radius from the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Both owners and occupants must be on the same sheet (tab). The sheet must have only three columns titled: "NAME", "ADDRESS", and "CITY_STATE_ZIP," with only one header row at the top, and all blank rows deleted. Ensure there are no blank rows at the bottom of the Excel sheet, and remove any addresses for "City of Glendale" (e.g. 633 E. Broadway, 613 E. Broadway).

PDF of property ownership/occupant map at a 1" = 200' scale numbered to match the list in #3 below.

PDF of the mailing list numbered to match the map in #2 above.

Use the City's official base map, which can be obtained from Public Works Engineering in Room #204 of the Municipal Services Building or by calling (818) 548-3945.

A digital map (JPEG, not PDF) showing the project location in relation to nearby major streets within 500 feet at 3"x3" size with the street name text large enough to be legible. It must have a blank background and show only the main streets in black and white, with the project site clearly indicated. The map must be submitted on the application flash drive/CD.

Letter of certification that the Excel spreadsheet data is from the latest equalized assessment roll and that the information is correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge.

Reference: Government Code sections 65090-65092 and 65094; Glendale Municipal Code section 30.61. 

See image(s) for details.