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UPDATED 08/18/2021 to include Day Care description. Family Day Care centers in homes are not considered a sensitive use.
City of Los Angeles Department of Cannabis Regulation Radius Map Attestation. LIC 4009 FORM.
- 700' Radius Map identifying any schools, parks, libraries, recovery/treatment facilities, supportive housing or day care centers.
- Map will be delivered electronically via email
700-foot radius of any sensitive use specified in Los Angeles. Radius map prepared by a mapping or surveying company. Attach a radius map in accordance with the attached instructions. Los Angeles Municipal Code Section 105.02(a)(1)(B). Outside of a 750-foot radius of a School, Public Park, Public Library, Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility, and Permanent Supportive Housing; and outside of a 750-foot radius. On a lot not occupied by a Day Care Center and that does not abut a lot occupied by a Day Care Center.
Update 08/18/21 Day Care is defined as "Day Care Center" means any child day care facility other than a family day care home, and includes infant centers, preschools, extended day care facilities, and school-age child care centers included in Section 1596.76 of the Health and Safety Code, which are licensed by the state of California"
Distancing from Sensitive Uses. The City of Los Angeles uses publicly available data, which is maintained by both state and local agencies, to determine the existence of “Sensitive Uses,” as defined in LAMC 105 et seq. This includes databases maintained by specified third party government agencies such as the following:
● California Department of Health Care Services’ website for Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facilities;
● California Department of Social Services’ website for Day Care Centers;
● City of Los Angeles Public Library website for Public Libraries;
● City of Los Angeles Department of Recreation and Parks’ website for Public Parks, Aquatic Centers, and Recreation Centers;
● California Department of Education’s website for Schools; and,
● City of Los Angeles’s Open Data Portal list titled “HCIDLA Affordable Housing Projects List (2003 to Present),” or as may be amended, provides a list of potential Permanent Supportive Housing locations and the Affordable and Accessible Housing Registry identifies the on-site services associated with each location.
A proposed Business Premises must meet the following distancing restrictions:
● A retail storefront must be outside of a 700-foot radius of a School, Public Park, Public Library, Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facility, Day Care Center, and Permanent Supportive Housing, and any other licensed storefront retailer with on-site retail sales.
● A non-storefront retailer (delivery), distributor, cultivator, non-volatile manufacturer or testing lab must be outside of a 600-foot radius of a School.
● A volatile manufacturer must be outside of a 600-foot radius of a School and a 200-foot radius of any Residentially Zoned Property.
The distance between any Commercial Cannabis Activity business, and any Sensitive Use with exclusive use of the parcel upon which it is located, shall be the horizontal distance measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior wall of the Commercial Cannabis Activity business to the closest parcel boundary of the Sensitive Use. The distance between any Commercial Cannabis Activity business and any Sensitive Use without exclusive control of the parcel upon which it located, shall be the horizontal distance measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the closest exterior wall of the Commercial Cannabis Activity business to the closest exterior wall or fence under the control of the Sensitive Use, excluding parking lots.
See image(s) for details.