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Cathedral City - Letter of Certification - Mailing Labels

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UPDATED 07/15/2022 to revise Short Term Vacation Rental Package STVR Notification to 150 feet distance. The Short Term Vacation Rental STVR package includes the 150' list of site addresses only (as required), a 150' radius map, letter of certification and (2) sets of gummed mailing labels. Labels will be addressed Owner/Occupant as required.

Product Includes: 

  • 150' ft Radius Map or 300' Radius Map 
  • 150' ft Owner/Occupant List or 300' Property Owner List (paper copy)*
  • 2 sets of gummed mailing labels - Avery 5160
  • Letter of Certification 
  • Electronic Copy (PDF)
  • Receipt 



Full Description from the city package (City of Cathedral City)

Package will be formatted to follow the "Development Application Requirement Matrix" guidelines.

300' Requirement from Development Application Requirement Matrix. (Conditional Use Permit, Tentative Tract Map, Parcel Map, Planned Unit Development, Appeal)

Assessor’s Parcel Map(s) of the project site indicating all parcels within 300 feet of the exterior boundaries of the project property. Pad Sites in a Shopping Center shall measure from the perimeter of the shopping center site. Indicate the radius line and the project property on the map. Some application types have different distance requirements (see staff for your radius requirement)

2 sets of gummed mailing labels and one ‘paper’ copy which contain the names, addresses, and parcel numbers of property owners within a 300 foot radius of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. Said list shall be certified by company on the attached form provided by the City. If any property is owned by the U.S. Government in trust for an Indian Tribe, a subsequent list of the names and addresses
of the individual Native American owner(s) shall be obtained by the applicant from the Bureau of Indian Affairs and signed by the Director of Indian Affairs or his authorized representative. Some applications may have different distance requirements. For grouped applications you need only submit the labels one time.

STVR Short Term Vacation Rental Details

As per Cathedral City Municipal Code 5.96. 040 (R), within thirty days of the issuance of a new permit or renewal permit, the city shall mail a notice to all residences within one hundred fifty feet of the STVR notifying the residents that a permit has been issued and providing information regarding how to lodge complaints regarding noise, music, trash, occupancy, and parking disturbances created by guests at a STVR.

It is the responsibility of the Property Owner to provide address mailing labels for the properties surrounding their Short-Term Vacation Rental property. The labels should be standard address mailing labels of 1" x 2-5/8" and should be typed not handwritten. The labels should be addressed to Owner/Occupant and only include the residences in a 150 ft. radius around the property. They should not include the Property Owner’s names or their mailing address that is on title.

Notification Preparers provide map radius and notification mailing lists. Additionally, the attached Letter of Certification needs to be completed by the person creating the map radius. This document is certifying that the prepared mailing labels meets the required 150 ft. notification requirement.

The address mailing labels may be sent by mail service to the City of Cathedral City or left with the Cashier at City Hall. Please make sure that your mailing labels are clearly identified with your name and STVR property address.
If you have further questions, please email the STVRPROGRAM@CATHEDRALCITY.GOV.