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City of Big Bear Lake | Public Notice Package | Radius Map Property Owners List Mailing Labels Certification Affidavit

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Order today and you'll receive your package between Feb 16, 2025 and Feb 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout

Note: We do not include the two sets of postage stamps. These can be added in as a custom item based on your count. Please use the chat, call/text (949) 771-0051 or email if you want us to add in (2) sets of forever stamps for you.

Product Includes: 

  • RADIUS MAP: (300 ft, 500 ft or 700 ft)
  • PROPERTY OWNERS LIST: (300 ft, 500 ft or 700 ft)
  • MAILING LABELS (2 sets): - Avery 5160


If property is 5 acres or less, select the 300' radius package option
If property is 5.1 to 10 acres, select the 500' radius package option 
If property is 10.1 + acres, select the 700' radius package option 


Full Description from the city package (City of Big Bear Lake)

A certified public notice package is required of certain projects, where notification of surrounding property owners must occur in advance of a meeting before the decision-maker. Development Code §17.03.030.A.4 clarifies certain radius requirements based on comprehensive site size:

Subject site size (acres) Radius from site boundaries
5 acres or less 300 feet
> 5 acres and <= 10 acres 500 feet
> 10 acres 700 feet

The property owners list and the required radius shall be based on the application type and project size.

  • Temporary Use Permit, Home Occupation Permit, or other Department-level review permits contains all parcels adjacent to the subject property, including parcel(s) across from public-right-of-ways. 
  • Conditional Use Permit, Variance, Plot Plan Review, Tentative Tract Map, Special Event requiring Planing Commission review, or other application requiring Planning Commission review. 

    5.0 acres or less - contains all parcels within 300 ft. of external boundaries of subject property or project

    5.1 acres to 10.0 acres - contains all parcels within 500 ft. of external boundaries of subject property or project.

    10.0 acres or greater - contains all parcels within 700 ft. of external boundaries of subject property or project.

The applicant must prepare, or have prepared, a public notice package for submittal to the City no more than 6 months prior to a public hearing date. These are typically prepared by a title company, or a company that specializes in such packages. All of the following items must be received before the hearing can be scheduled:

• RADIUS MAP: The subject site boundaries must be clearly identified, as well as the appropriate radius from the boundaries. A radius map of the surrounding properties, which must correspond to the radius mailing labels, must be provided. The County Tax Assessor’s Pages may be used as a base map. The radius zone, distance from property, and subject property must be clearly shown.

• PROPERTY OWNERS LIST: Each property that falls within the identified radius must be included on the list. The list must include the name, Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN), and mailing address for each property.

• MAILING LABELS (2 sets): Each property must be included/typed on 3-column format mailing labels (i.e. Avery 5160 or equivalent). The first line of each address label must include the APN. It is recommended that the project site owner(s), project applicant, and project representatives be included on these labels.

• COPY OF MAILING LABELS: One copy of the mailing labels must be provided on letter-size paper for the project file.

• CERTIFICATION: An affidavit completed by the preparer of the public notice package certifying the validity and accuracy of the submitted information. This is typically prepared by a Title Company or a company that specializes in public notice packages.

Please note postage is not included, this can be added in a custom quote. Please use the chat, call/text (949) 771-0051 or email if you want us to add in (2) sets of forever stamps for you.