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Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 21, 2025 and Mar 28, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
UPDATED 12/13/2021 - per Jorge Maldonado, all maps should now also show all parcels within a 500 foot radius as well.
Product Includes:
NOTE: If applying for a day care, select the 100' package option
Full Description from the city package (City of Tustin)
300’ Radius Map
(100’ for large family daycare homes)
Size: Maximum 11” x 17”
Scale: Not less than 1” = 200’
Quantity: Two (2)
This shall be prepared by a Title Company or other authorized entity and show the following:
1) A line indicating the 100’ or 300’ radius
2) All of the area within a 100’ or 300’ radius from the exterior property lines.
3) Identification of the Assessor’s Parcel Number for all properties, including the subject property, within or partially within the 100’ or 300’ radius.
4) Streets, street names, north arrow, and map scale.
5) A title block in the lower right corner containing the name and address of the applicant, address of the project (if established), date of map preparation, and designation of the subject property by shading or darkening the exterior boundaries.
Mailing Labels
Size: 8 1⁄2” x 11” self-adhesive mailing label sheet
Quantity: Two (2) Sets
Mailing labels shall be prepared by a Title Company, or other authorized entity, within the last 30 days and contain the Assessor’s Parcel Number, owner’s name, and mailing address of the subject property and all properties within or partially within the specified radius of the subject property. The list must be typed or legibly printed on self-adhesive labels. The order of the labels on the sheet must be in numeric order by Assessor’s Parcel Number.