Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 16, 2025 and Mar 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 16, 2025 and Mar 23, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Product Includes:
Note: Select 300' Package for Design Review Board, 100' Package for Sign Permit
Full Description from the city package (City of South Pasadena)
Packaged will be formatted to follow the "Notification Package" requirements from the Application
All projects reviewed by the Cultural Heritage Commission (CHC) require a
10-day public notification that will be conducted by the Planning Division. The applicant shall provide mailing labels upon submittal of application. The City strongly recommends that applicants utilize a mapping company to prepare the mailing labels; a list of mapping companies is available from the Planning Division for informational purposes only (The City does not recommend or endorse any of these companies). Please provide the following:
• Two (2) sets of adhesive address labels on an 8-1/2” x 11” sheet
• One (1) photocopy of the labels.
• The mailing labels must list both the property owners and occupants (if not owner-occupied) of every parcel which falls within a 300’ radius (100’ for signs) of the project site (as measured from the corners of the subject parcel).
i. Note: Labels for occupants do not need to include the occupant’s name because this
information is usually not available; these can simply state “Occupant” and address. If
possible, the labels should be cross-referenced to the radius map (by numbering each
parcel or listing the Assessor’s Parcel Number on each label.
• A radius map which identifies all parcels falling within a 300’ radius (100’ for signs) of the project site.
• An electronic file that contains a spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel listing the following information in separate columns: a) Property Owner, b) Occupant, c) Property Owner Address, d) Occupant Address – including Unit Number. Planning Staff will use the spreadsheet to perform a mail merge with Microsoft Word.
• A notarized declaration (provided by the Planning Department) from the company/individual that prepared the mailing labels stating the source of the property information, and how recently this was updated.
See image(s) for details.