Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 19, 2025 and Mar 26, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 19, 2025 and Mar 26, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Product Includes:
1500' Distance
- General Plan Land Use Amendments
- Specific Plans, Master Plans and Planned Developments
- Zone Changes
- Residential projects of five (5) dwelling units or more
- Commercial projects with a site area of five (5) acres or greater
- Industrial projects
- All projects requiring a Conditional Use Permit
500' Distance
- All other discretionary entitlement proposals
Full Descriptions from the city policy 300-14 images below (City of Oceanside)
1. The notification radius map should be drawn, in accordance with City Council Policy 300-14, on 8 1/2" x 11" sheet size if possible; larger sheet sizes will be accepted if scale so dictates.
2. Indicate the following information for the subject property:
A. Parcel boundaries.
B. Parcel dimensions
C. Net acreages (subject parcel(s) only).
D. Lot and tract number, if applicable.
3. Label all streets, highways, alleys and rights-of-way.
4. Draw the notification radius line from the property boundaries around the subject property.
5. Number consecutively each lot or portion of a lot within the notification radius line.
6. Key each lot to the mailing labels by placing the number of the lot from Step 5 above in the upper right hand comer of the mailing label. Then corresponding county assessor's parcel numbers shall be placed at the top of each mailing label. (Please Type).
7. All projects submittals should include one hard copy of all required mailing labels (with total number of labels denoted); one electronic format CD of the mailing labels preferably in excel format; one hard copy printout of all addresses with radius map; and the applicable fees submitted. Mailing labels should be updated anytime a six month period has passed.
Expanded Radius Requirements for Mail Notification of Discretionary Proposals (*}
It is the policy of the City Council that notice shall be given to all property owners within 1,500 feet from a project site for all discretionary entitlement proposal.s which include any of the following discretionary entitlements:
• General Plan Land Use Amendments
• Specific Plans, Master Plans and Planned Developments
Zone Changes
Residential projects of five (5) dwelling units or more
• Commercial projects with a site area of five (5) acres or greater
• Industrial projects
• All projects requiring a Conditional Use Permits
For all other discretionary entitlement proposals, notice shall be given to all property owners within 500 feet of a project site.
In addition to the noticing requirements to property owners, notice shall be given to all occupants/tenants within 100 feet from a project site for all discretionary entitlement proposals.