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Updated 07/11/2022 per Amanda Lee & Ketshy Palencia, The City of Newport Beach Community Development Department has changed the public hearing requirements for labels; more specifically, we are moving to an electronic-only format, requiring both Excel and Word files. Sticky printed labels are no longer required. These jobs will now be sent electronically. The applicant will then upload the files into the appplication.
Product Includes:
Note: For projects within the coastal zone, residential occupants are also required. Select that option below if applicable.
For projects requiring a public hearing, the application shall include the items listed below. Please be advised that the items are required to be no older than 6 months utilizing names and addresses from the last equalized assessment roll and utilizing the most recent assessor’s maps or alternatively, from such other records that contain more recent information.
Mailing Labels (electronic format – please provide both Excel and Word files)
Excel spreadsheet with the following fields
1) Assessor Parcel Number
2) Name
3) Street Address
4) City, State and Zip Code
Word document (Avery 5160 label format)
For Applications that do not include a Coastal Development Permit
Address data for all property owners of property located within a 300-foot radius, excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways, of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel.
For Applications that include a Coastal Development Permit
Address data for all property owners and residential occupants of property located within a 300-foot radius, excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways, of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel.
Note: It is the applicant’s responsibility to inform the title company or ownership listing service if occupant or any other specific labels are required in addition to property owner labels based on the submittal requirements of application and/or the Planning Division’s recommendation.
Written Affidavit (on letterhead)
A written affidavit from the title company or ownership listing service, who prepared the assessor’s parcel map and mailing labels, verifying that the information was prepared utilizing names and addresses from the last equalized assessment roll and utilizing the most recent assessor’s maps, or alternatively, from such other records that contain more recent information. See Attachment B (Written Affidavit Example).
*Note* For coastal development permits, please include in the written affidavit that both property owners and residential occupants are listed.
Radius Map (Assessor’s Parcel Map)
An Assessor’s Parcel Map indicating all parcels within a 300-foot radius, excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways, of the exterior boundaries of the subject property. The radius line and subject property shall be indicated on the map. See Attachment C (Radius Map Example).
[Letterhead of the Title Company or Ownership Listing Service]
Example: For Applications that do not include a Coastal Development Permit
Please see the attached radius map and mailing labels created for all property owners located within a 300-foot radius, excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways, of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel located at (site address) in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange. The property information was acquired through the County Assessor’s office. Further, the information is based upon the most up-to-date records of the county tax assessor and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed.
Example: For Applications that include a Coastal Development Permit
Please see the attached radius map and mailing labels created for all property owners and residential occupants of properties located within a 300-foot radius, excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways, of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel located at (site address) in the City of Newport Beach, County of Orange. The property information was acquired through the County Assessor’s office. Further, the information is based upon the most up-to-date records of the county tax assessor and is deemed reliable, but is not guaranteed.
300-foot radius excluding intervening rights-of-way and waterways of the exterior boundaries of the subject parcel