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Order today and you'll receive your package between Mar 19, 2025 and Mar 26, 2025. Select rush or regular delivery options at checkout
Select 100' for Large Family Day Care, Minor Exception
Select 300' for Use Permit, Hillside Development Use Permit, Certiifcate of Appropriateness (Historic Preservation), Minor Subdivision, Minor Use Permit, Finding of Public Convenience and Necessity
Select 500' for General Plan Amendment, Rezoning, Development Agreement, Planning Development Use Permit, Major Subdivision
From City Application
Public Notification Process for Public Hearings and Neighborhood Meetings
Welcome to the City of Concord. The Neighborhood Meeting and Public Hearing notification process involves the Planning Division and the City Clerk’s Office. When a project requires a public hearing, the City also requires an applicant to hold a Neighborhood Meeting, early on the process, and to notify tenants and property owners in the surrounding area of the meeting. It is very important that neighbors are informed of the meeting to allow them the opportunity to participate and ask questions. This handout is provided to explain the notification process and assist you in fulfilling the requirements of your application. The checkmarks indicate the items that you are responsible for. If you have questions about your application or the notification process, please contact the Project Planner at (925) 671-3152 for assistance.
Notification is sent to all property owners and all tenants within a specified distance from the property line boundaries of the project site, including all owners and tenants/occupants of any multi-tenant building or multi-tenant center. Notification distances listed below depend upon the type of application. If an application comes under more than one category, the more extensive standard applies. If more than one application is being processed at one time, the larger notification area (radius) applies. City staff will determine the required notification area. Applicants are responsible for postage exceeding 100 mailed notices, and payment for this postage is due to the City prior to a public hearing.
Applicant is responsible for:
Neighborhood Meeting scheduled and conducted.
City staff is responsible for:
• Assisting the applicant in organizing a neighborhood meeting.
• Providing notices and mailing the notice to all property or business owners and all tenants within the notification area.
• Attending the neighborhood meeting
City staff is responsible for:
• Providing notices and mailing the notice to all property owners, business owners, and all tenants within the notification area for the public hearing.
• Printing the notice in the newspaper.
• Providing posters to the project applicant to post at the project site. The cost/fee for posters is $12.00 each.
• Posting the agenda at City Hall.